Subsidiary Group

OGG means peak of the mountain(Our Activities )

OGG Industry

OGG Industry is another subsidiary of the group that specializes in commercial activities in the field of metal, lubricants and base oil additives. This section is responsible for meeting the needs of global industries in supplying high quality products.

OGG Industry intends to provide raw materials for different field of industry, including metal, base oils and…View more


OGG medical has been established in the field of medical equipment, to use OGG Group’s available knowledge and capabilities in provision of quality products and specialized services. OGG Med relying on its specialists, including academics, doctors and businessmen, whom are professionals in the field of medical equipment, laboratory, dermatology, diabetes and performing specialized services, is moving towards its goals.View more

OGG Technology

OGG TECH started its activity in 2017 with the goal of offering solutions and products that are verifiably effective in elevator spare parts, industrial drives and related services. In this regard, with the leadership of its specialists and cooperation with reputable elevator companies worldwide, OGG TECH has continued satisfying customers and is recognized as a profound company in global markets.View more